Sunday, August 21, 2005


We have known for some time the the phrase, 'let me be clear' is a favourite of the Prime Minister, particularly when he is defending himself, which seems to be often.

Then last week, in the third paragraph of Michaelle Jean's pithy statement of defence, the same phrase appeared: "Let me be clear: we have never belonged to a political party or the separatist movement."

Today in a Toronto Star opinion piece, minister of health Ujall Dosanjh makes a lame defence of the government's health care policy (remember that money we gave to the provinces last year?), but again, in the final paragraph, that increasingly ubiquitous phrase appears: "But let's be clear - all governments have to meet their commitment to provide timely access to care."

"Let's be Clear." Can someone translate that to Latin, because it appears to be the new motto of the government.

Posted by Matthew @ 12:03 p.m.

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on translate to latin b/c new motto: nicely played

Posted by Blogger RT @ August 22, 2005 1:51 p.m. #

At least PM's team has droped the longer "let me be perfectly clear"...they're settling for just "clear" now, it seems.

Posted by Blogger calgarygrit @ August 23, 2005 3:39 p.m. #

while willing to defer to one with some heraldry experince, or any knowledge of latin:
might work (about to be clear)

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ August 23, 2005 4:16 p.m. #
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