Wednesday, May 04, 2005
The Hon. Ed Broadbent has announced he will not seek re-election to the next Parliament due to the ill-health of his wife. The circumstances of Broadbent's of departue are certainly a personal hardship, but his retirement is also a loss to the House of Commons.
In my last semester at McGill I had the distinct pleasure and privilege of taking a seminar in political theory with Professor Broadbent. Some of my posts from those days can be read here and here.
What most impressed me with Prof. Broadbent was the intellectual rigour with which he approached politics. It was clear from our discussions that he read widely in classical and modern political philosophy, as would be expected. However, it was also clear that he attempted seriously to apply his theoretical principles to the practical mechanics of politics.
I also believe that Broadbent's departue is a loss because of his experience in the House. As the level of debate (if it can still be called that) in the Commons falls to new lows on both sides the aisle, Broadbent was a parliamentarian who attempted to preserve some sense of dignity in the House. In the annoucement of his departure, Broadbent specifically noted the level of acrimony that has developed in the current House of Commons.
Broadbent's intelligence, principles, and experience will certainly be missed in the House.
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