Monday, January 24, 2005


I find via Mader that another of my friends from McGill has started up a blog. Saurja is writing at Baseball vs. Cricket. He describes his blog thus:

This is a blog devoted to sports, especially the differences between US Sports and Rest-of-the-World Sports. Politics will be the occasional segue, and just to be clear, I bear allegiance to, in order of devotedness: Chelsea FC, Barcelona FC, the Montreal Candiens, the NY Jets, the NY Yankees, and if I must, whatever team Shaq's on. But feel free to post about any team under the sun, regardless of sport.
He's just getting going, but it sounds promising. However, I think the name should have been Football vs. Football. Also, as previously mentioned my friend Nick is blogging about his teaching experience in Korea. He's keeping up with his blogging and there is some interesting stuff there.

With the introductions of these two new blogs, I have created a new category to the right: The McBlog's, being blogs of my friends from McGill. There are other McGill alums on my blog roll, namely Nestruck (who was a year ahead of me) and Ikram Saeed (if I'm not mistaken). For now, they will remain where they are in the blog roll since I know them more through their blogs than anything else.

Posted by Matthew @ 1:04 a.m.