Tuesday, November 04, 2003


CTV reported late last night that Parliament will be prorouged at the end of the week making Friday the last day that Jean Chretien will sit in the House as Prime Minister.

The next week Paul Martin will become the new Liberal leader at a convention to be held in Toronto. CTV reports:

"Chretien will use the event to signal he wants the transition of power to begin.

After the convention, Chretien and Martin will sit down to plot a timetable that will see the prime minister retire ahead of his previously announced date of February 2004, according to sources.

How early the prime minister might make his exit is still up in the air, sources say."

As the story notes, there is much legislation still before the House that is going to die on the order paper. If I had my way (as well as the Prime Minister I believe) Chretien would keep the House in session and continue on right until February. Apparently, however, the Liberal Party is ready to move on.

Chretien has been Prime Minister for most of my politically aware life time. I will have more to say on his legacy in the coming weeks.

Posted by Matthew @ 1:09 a.m.