Saturday, October 18, 2003
Having just started up my own blog and being a history student I was interested in what some other bloggers wrote in the very first posts of their own blogs. I looked into the archives of all of the blogs in my links. Unfortunately, the archives for many of them were not available all the way back to their very first post. However, these are the results of my quick search.
Paul Wells, Sept. 15, 2003:
Here at Maclean's, we've decided you shouldn't have to wait a whole week at a time to read my ramblings. So just as soon as we can shake out some technological gremlins, I'll be launching my own Weblog here on It'll be the home base for my more perishable observations on politics, life and the arts. Stay tuned to for developments.
And since I can't wait until the tech guys are ready to start spreading gossip, here's a down payment:
Matthew Yglesias, Apr. 14, 2003
(this was his first post after some technical problems with his site)
I'm Back
The website has returned. Currently missing is my stylesheet, my template, my archives, my plugins, and -- still -- my comments.
maderblog, Jun. 6, 2002:
First Post Test Thingy
That's just a sample from the limited number of blogs I currently read with any regularity. Unfortunately Colby and Ikram's first posts weren't available. The one I found most interesting was actually the one from maderblog. Not because of its brevity but because of the date. He started posting on the anniversary of D-Day. I doubt it was a coincidence.
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